Update on Main Game Progress. 5

I finished and polished up a couple of things in the inventory, I realized a bug before having to experience it, the rotation checker red light would not turn off after inserting an item in a spot where it could not be rotated. This got fixed and I also implemented a frame for the item that is in move mode, I already had the frame graphic and almost forgot about it. Just to make it more clear that the inventory item is in move mode, I made the green move light flash too. The tracking system still has to be implemented, but that’s a job I’ll save for when I implement a game loop.
I animated and printed off the animation frames for the pump action shotgun, ak47 and Karabiner98k. Two more body animations had to be implemented, one that would hold the ‘pistol grip’ style handle and one for the ‘stock grip’ style handle. So there are five new animation sets in total. I’m currently cropping all the frames to tone down the ram requirements. I plan to implement a few more weapons for the light arms specialist.
I’m still prototyping the menu but I think it will go something like this:
Load Save
Everything is more or less explanatory but I’ll briefly go over it:
Continue: load last save
Story: This mode will implement a story. The story will have tasks to do and constraints applied as the player progresses. After selecting this the player will chose between one of the 4 character to play as before the game begins.
Sandbox: As mentioned above the story mode will have constraints and tasks that ultimately lead to an ending. While the player will likely be able to continue at the point prior to when the final boss is beaten, some story driven constraints will be in place by the end of the game, and some players may not want to deal with that crap. Sandbox mode will just let the player run, gun and loot without dealing with the story driven constraints. Not sure when or if I’ll implement this, but it is on the plate currently. As with the story mode, after selecting this the player will chose between one of the 4 character to play as before the game begins.
Load Save: I’ll probably add about 4 or so save slots. There will be 4 characters, so one save for each one should do. Any more than that shouldn't be necessary as this is going to be a rogue lite.
Options: Things like cursor speed will be a changeable option, as well as volume controls. Not sure what else I’ll be adding. The resolution will remain static, but the game window can be resized like any other window (dragging the corner or sides). So I don’t think there will be any issues with resolution.
Exit: What is says.
Now that I have some basic mechanics implemented I feel it’s time to start working on tile sets. I currently am in the middle of making one, so I’ll hopefully have some pics in the next update.
Anyway, I see myself doing artwork for the next two weeks or so. Next update my be skipped until the week after, but we’ll see how much progress I can do.
Get Arkinum's Project: Magi War
Arkinum's Project: Magi War
An isometric, adventure, run-n-gun.
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